The player is a dog or cat, depending on the game, living in a small house in South Pawville. This city is one out of many regions on a very large island. The player's dad, Arvin, talks about a Magic Hat, which has many powers and can be used by evil or good. When the player's best friend Victor tells about an evil wolf named Ivlet jailed at North Pawville's police station. Sheriff Ada warns them against nearing Ivlet, and mentions that he is usually asleep during the day anyway. The two plan to return at night and play at Dolphin Coast. When the two re-enter the police station Ivlet wakes up.

Ivlet asks to see the Magic Hat and claims there is a tear, and offers to show them. Ivlet takes the hat, breaks from his cell, and begins to wreak havoc. He first destroys the village buildings, makes the wild animals hostile, and controls crucial bridges in and out of the city. Ada places the player in jail, but Victor takes responsibility and the player sets out to help the village get back on its feet. After this, Arvin tells the player to go see Theophilus, a wizard in Sky Heights. He knows what has happened, and explains the hat becomes darker as the villain gets eviler. When the hat turns completely black, the user will become pure evil, and as the hat is grey, he fears there isn't much time. Fortunately, collecting three crystals can be used to create a Magic Shield which suppresses the Hat's power. The player heads off on a journey to get all three items.

He or she then heads back to Theophilus, but Theophilus says that he will need the help of his brother Bartholomew, who can help. Heading off to Lonesome Park from Jade Fields, Ivlet brings back whirlwinds that terrorized the residents of nearby Gongoro Peak in the past. Petz Dogz 2 and Catz 2 Free Download PC Game. The player finds Bartholomew, who turned himself into a rock to observe other rocks, and thanks the player for helping him. Bartholomew was very surprised about the hat being stolen after the player explains their situation, but gives the player the Anti-Tornado ring so they can dispatch the nearby whirlwinds with rocks. The hat suddenly turns darker and Ivlet becomes a monstrous wolf, and summons a Chaotic Dragon from the hat to assist him. Ivlet summons them to the rift after the shield is created, which shields the protagonists and Magic Hat. After both the Dragon and Ivlet are defeated, the wolf falls into a vortex while the player escapes. Beat thanks the player for finally getting the Magic Hat back, but explains that he must go for good.